Promotional materials

Marketing and marketing materials, in general, require special attention. They must be perfect in every way because they represent your image in relation to the client. Whether we are referring to the quality of the product itself or to the way it was designed, a good product should show the beauty of your brand. There are some important differences between commercials and promotional videos. The term “promo” or “promotional material” includes a broader typology of videos, often longer than an advertisement.

A promotional material, however, can have different purposes and can take different forms:

• it can be a video in the form of a story (brand story), with a longer duration (maybe 5-10 minutes), with a voice-over or an interview that aims to present in detail the mission of the brand and how it was developed over time

• can be a short film about the services that the company offers and how they can create the best experience for the customer (it may include, for example, video testimonials in which customers tell their experiences)

• or it can take the form of a show in which we look at interesting locations perfect for leisure time. So brace yourself for relaxation and pay attention to the opportunities that we offer and that you can not miss.
